Drs. Sharon, Champagne & Catena

Meet our Pediatric Team

Dr. Catena completed her medical training and residency in Edmonton. She continues to practice at the Stollery Children’s Hospital. She has an interest in complex care and consult-based Pediatric medicine.

Laurie, Jackie, Jobelle & Devra

Devra, MOA

Devra is positive and enthusiastic. With her strong customer service background and her passion to listen to peoples’ needs, Devra is dedicated to helping every patient and family at our clinic.

At  Meadowlark Pediatric Clinic, we provide personal, friendly service in a fun and caring environment for children of all ages. Whether your child is sick or needs tips on how to stay healthy, our team can help you

Laurie, RN

As a Registered Nurse with over 20 years of experience in taking care of children, Laurie enjoys going to work every day. She always has a smile to give, and has an amazing attitude and patience. She will also administer vaccinations.

Jackie, MOA

Jackie is dedicated, hard-working and loves children. She is always available to answer your questions, and help in any way possible.

Jobelle, MOA

Jobelle brings experience, efficiency and energy to our clinic. She is always has a smile and is willing to help solve a patient issue and lend a helping hand in any situation.

      Dr.Sharon & Dr.Champagne


Dr. Sharon has worked in Pediatrics for over 20 years. He is a Board member as the Director for Alberta and Northwest Territories for the Canadian Pediatric Society. He is Past President of the Pediatric Section of the Alberta Medical Association. He is also a Clinical Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta. He has a special interest in kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Dr. Champagne completed both medical school and her pediatrics residency in Edmonton, and is currently a Clinical Lecturer in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta.  She is passionate about helping all children stay physically and mentally healthy.
